From Australia to New York: Bringing Holocaust Survivors to Living Rooms Around the World
April 27-28, 2022
A 10-hour broadcast beginning at
7:30 PM ET / 1:30 AM CET / 2:30 AM IST
( See Event Details for Specific Times )
Commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day
( Yom HaShoah )
Join the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) and Zikaron BaSalon for a most personal conversation with members of the last generation of Holocaust survivors from different countries worldwide, who will share their powerful testimonies and answer your questions live about their life experiences.
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Event Details
On Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah), the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) and Zikaron BaSalon are hosting an intimate global conversation with the last generation of Holocaust survivors by bringing them into the “living rooms” of viewers around the world.
Beginning on April 27 at 7:30 PM ET / April 28 at 1:30 AM CET, we’ll be featuring Holocaust survivor-hosted LIVE salons in New York, Mexico, Australia, Israel, and Poland during a 10-hour broadcast, alongside global leaders and dignitaries.
The world will soon face a reality in which Holocaust survivors will no longer be around to bear witness to the horrific realities of the Nazi genocide of six million Jews. Join during your region's salon and don't miss this special opportunity to speak with Holocaust survivors while we still can, underscoring how Holocaust education can prevent antisemitism.
Click through our Agenda for Specific Times. Join us from the start of the event or tune in to listen to a specific speaker (survivor details below).
Agenda & Speakers
Opening of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2022
Dr. Felix Klein, Commissioner for Jewish Life and the Fight Against Antisemitism at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Germany
Professor Irwin Cotler, Canadian Special Envoy on Preserving Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism & CAM Board Member
Commissioner Helena Dalli, European Union Commissioner for Equality
Professor Ahmed Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief
H.E. Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to the USA
William Daroff, CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
- Sharon Buenos, Global Director of Zikaron BaSalon
LIVE // Memory Living Room: New York
April 27, 8-9 PM ET / April 28, 2-3 AM CET / 3-4 AM IST
- Ellen Bottner (89), born in 1933 in Rexingen, Germany
- Douglas Bottner, Son of Ellen
- Jacqueline Bottner, Granddaughter of Ellen
- Senator James Lankford, Senator of Oklahoma and Co-Chair of the Senate Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Antisemitism
- Congressman Josh Gottheimer, Representative of New Jersey- 5th District, United States
- Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, Representative of New York- 12th District, United States
- Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, Representative of Florida- 25th District, United States
- Maurizio Bevilacqua, Mayor of Vaughan, Canada
- Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana, Albania
- Itamar Borochov, Musician, Bandleader, and Composer
1 Hour Break with Video Messages from Combat Antisemitism Movement Partners
- Cayle White, Board Member of 3G New York
- Dr. Shay Pilnik, Director, Emil A. and Jenny Fish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
- Mirta Glasman, Board Member for the Center for Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Right Education of North Carolina, & Holocaust Speakers Bureau
- Andy Huston, Executive Director of Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity
- Serene Hudson, Vice President of Education & Advocacy of Passages Israel
- Dr. Susan Michael, USA Director of International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ)
- Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett, President of the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights & Justice
- Naomi Cogan, Senior Program Officer at the Claims Conference
- Rabbi Meir Goldstein, Senior Jewish Educator at Oregon Hillel
- Ethan Marcus, Managing Director of the Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America
- Brad Pomerance, Host & Senior Vice President, News & Programming for Jewish Life Television
- Alberto Jabiles Schwartz, Executive Director of B’nai B’rith Panama
- Daniel Shamah, Board of Directors Member at B’nai B’rith Panama
LIVE // Memory Living Room: Mexico
April 27, 10-11 PM CDMX / 11 PM-12 AM ET / April 28, 5-6 AM CET / 6-7 AM IST
- Luis Opatowsky, born in Belgium
- Vice Minister Gerardo Amarilla De Nicola, Vice Minister of Environment in Uruguay
- President Shirley Joanna Rivera Zaldaña, President of the Congress of Guatemala
- Claudio Epelman, Executive Director of the Latin American Jewish Congress
- Congresswoman Shirley Díaz Mejías, Member of the Costa Rican Parliament
- Congressman Warren Beitia, Member of the Parliament of Central America (PARLACEN)
- Arian Abadi, Actor and Singer (Panama)
20 Minute Break with Video Messages from Combat Antisemitism Movement Partners
- Leopoldo Martínez, Latin America Director- Israel Allies Foundation
- Pastor Eduardo Gomez, Pastor for Latino Coalition for Israel
- Claudia Fierro, Coordinator of International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) in Spanish
- Gloria Garces, President of Nonagon Global & Christian Advocate for Israel
- Sammy Eppel, Director of Interfaith Relations at Hatzad Hasheni
LIVE // Memory Living Room: Melbourne
April 28, 2-3 PM AEST / 12-1 AM ET / 6-7 AM CET / 7-8 AM IST
- Abraham Goldberg (98), born in 1924 in Łódź, Poland
- Charlie Goldberg, Son of Abraham
- Cedric Geffen, President of March of the Living Australia
- H.E. Ambassador Paul Griffiths, Ambassador of Australia to the State of Israel
- Honourable Scott Farlow, Member of Legislative Council of New South Wales, Australia
- Deputy Leader David Southwick, Deputy Leader of the Victorian Liberal Party & Member of the Victorian Legislative Assembly, Australia
- Dr. Dimitris Keridis, Member of the Hellenic Parliament, Greece
- Metropolitan Ioannis of Thermopylae, Director of the Interorthodox Centre of the Church of Greece
- Moses Elisaf, Mayor of Ioannina, Greece
- Fernando Lottenberg, Organization of American States (OAS) Commissioner to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism
1 Hour Break with Video Messages from Combat Antisemitism Movement Partners
- Arsen Ostrovsky , Chair & CEO at The International Legal Forum
- Rabbi Alan Litwak, Senior Rabbi of Temple Sinai of North Dade
- Libby Anderson and Jason A. Horowitz, CEO and Director of Heritage Education & Partnerships at Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity
- Mileny Preiss, Director of Altar Mundial
- Gabriel Ben Tasgal, Director of Public Relations at Hatzad Hasheni
- Greg Thomas, CEO and Co-Founder of the Jazz Leadership Project
- Dr. David Adler, President of the Australian Jewish Association
LIVE // Memory Living Room: Tel Aviv
April 28, 9-10 AM IST / 8-9 AM CET / 2-3 AM ET
- Hannah Gofrit (87), born in 1935 in Biała Rawska, Poland
- Ben Gofrit, Son of Hannah
- Robert Singer, Senior Advisor for CAM and Chairman of the Center for Jewish Impact
- Ruth Dar-Cohen, Director of the Department of Combating Antisemitism and Preservation of the Memory of the Holocaust for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Tova Dorfman, Deputy Chairwoman of the World Zionist Organization and Chairwoman of the Department for Israel and Holocaust Commemoration Worldwide
- Adiel Cohen, Social Media Influencer
Siren and Holocaust Commemoration Ceremony
April 28, 10-10:30 AM IST / 9-9:30 AM CET / 3-3:30 AM ET
- Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom
- Senator Joseph Lieberman, Former United States Senator - Connecticut, CAM Board Member
- Dr. Nachman Shai, Minister of Diaspora Affairs for the State of Israel
- Dana Sender-Mulla, Founder and Board Member of Zikaron BaSalon
- Ariella Zeitlin, Violinist and Musician
- H.E. Ambassador Nikolaus Lutterotti, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the State of Israel
- Ombudswoman Tena Šimonović Einwalter, Ombudswoman of the Republic of Croatia (for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms)
- Thomas Westphal, Lord Mayor of Dortmund, Germany
- Mārtiņš Staķis, Mayor of Riga, Latvia
- Abigail Winokur, Poet and Student at Yeshiva University
LIVE // Memory Living Room: Kraków
April 28, 10-11 AM CET / 11 AM-12 PM IST / 4-5 AM ET
- Zofia Radzikowska (86), born in 1935 in Kraków, Poland
- Jonathan Ornstein, Executive Director of JCC Krakow
- H.E. Ambassador Erik Ullenhag, Ambassador of Sweden to the State of Israel
- H.E. Ambassador Éric Danon, Ambassador of France to the State of Israel
- H.E. Ambassador Alexandra Papadopoulou, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the USA
- H.E. Ines Demiri, Chargée d'Affaires of the Republic of Kosovo to the State of Israel
- Krystyna Danilecka-Wojewódzka, President of the City of Słupsk, Poland
15 Minute Break with Video Messages from Combat Antisemitism Movement Partners
Jakub Nowakowski, Director of the Galicia Jewish Museum
Marta Saracyn, Director of Programming and Communication at JCC Warsaw
Elizabeth Arif-Fear, Founder and Director of Voice of Salam
Closing of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2022
April 28, 12-12:30 PM IST / 11-11:30 AM CET / 5-5:30 AM ET
- Ella Blumenthal (100), born in 1921 in Warsaw, Poland
- H.E. Ambassador Danny Danon, Former Ambassador of Israel to the UN
- Sophie Élizéon, France Inter-ministerial Coordinator on Combating Racism, Antisemitism, and anti-LGBT Hatred
- Uwe Becker, Mayor and City Treasurer of Frankfurt, Germany
- Michal Cotler-Wunsh, Senior Strategy & Policy Advisor, Former Member of Knesset
- Rivka Maor-Gelkop, Global Project Manager at Zikaron BaSalon
- Zack Singerman, Founder and Director of Gen Z Jews
Meet the Survivors
Ellen Bottner, a Holocaust survivor, grew up in Germany under the Third Reich (born on April 25, 1933 in Rexingen, Germany). She describes her experiences on the Kindertransport, life under refuge with a foster family in England, the fate of her extended family during the Holocaust, and reflections about intolerance in the world today.
Coming soon!
Abraham was the youngest of four siblings, born into a politically and socially active family in Lodz, Poland. The Nazis murdered his family, and only Abraham and his older sister survived.
On 29 August 1944, Abraham arrived with his mother at Auschwitz-Birkenau. He remembers the last words his mother told him before they separated—she said, "Do everything humanly possible to survive. When you do, wherever you will find yourself, tell the world what happened to your family and other Jews." She believed Abraham would survive and he has since devoted his life to this work.
When Abraham stood in front of the Angel of Death, Dr. Mengele, 90% of the men were sent to their deaths. His finger didn’t point at Abraham, which is why he considers his survival 99% luck, because all Jews of Occupied Europe had a death sentence.
Hannah Gofrit was born in 1935 in the town of Biała Rawska, Poland, to Hershel and Zisel Hershkowitz. With the Nazi conquest, Hannah was forbidden from attending school, and her parents tutored her at home. Hannah’s family was allowed to live outside the ghetto established in the town, as her mother worked as a seamstress for the German forces. Hannah’s parents arranged to hide her with a Polish family, but Hannah refused, and joined them hiding in an underground potato shed.
At the end of 1942 the town’s Jews were deported to Treblinka. The family's neighbor, Mrs. Moshalkova, managed to obtain forged documents just for Hannah and her mother. Her father's fate remains unknown.
For two years, the women hid in the Warsaw apartment of the Skowroneks (later recognized as Righteous Among the Nations), helping their rescuers as much as possible. They were forbidden to look out the window or wear shoes, for fear of teir discovery. Hannah and her mother were saved during a Gestapo raid when one of the daughters hid them in the attic. On Christmas, when the Skowroneks had guests over, Hannah and her mother hid in a closet. Inside the dark closet, Hannah imagined herself flying into free, open spaces, like a butterfly.
After their documents were burned in the bombing of Warsaw, the women masqueraded as devout Polish Catholics. There were deported to the labor camp in Senftenberg near Leipzig, where they were employed in an AEG plant. As the Red Army approached, Hannah and her mother fled. They returned to their hometown, where they discovered they were the only survivors from their entire family. They left the following day for Lodz, where Zisel married Yosef Kupershmid, a Holocaust survivor whose wife and daughter had been murdered. A year later, Hannah’s brother Avraham was born.
In January 1949 Hannah emigrated to Israel, and settled in Tel Aviv. After attending nursing school, she worked as a public health nurse. For her devoted work, Hannah was awarded the Namir Labor Prize. She continued working as the chief nurse in Tel Aviv's Public Health Division until her retirement.
With the help of Naomi Morgenstern, Hannah wrote her memoirs, I Wanted to Fly Like a Butterfly. Translated into six languages, the book is read extensively in classrooms in Israel and abroad. Hannah corresponds and meets with its young readers from around the world.
Hannah is married to Yitzhak, is the mother of Ofer and has three grandchildren.
Zofia Radzikowska was born November 1935 in Krakow and lived in Krakow’s city center before the Nazi invasion.
Zofia's father was forced to relocate to the Jewish Ghetto and was eventually taken to Auschwitz, where he was murdered. Zofia’s mother secured fake identification papers for the two of them and was able to keep their Jewish identities secret as she worked to support them during WWII. Throughout the war they lived in various towns near Krakow.
After the war, Zofia attended the Hebrew Tarbut school. She graduated in law with a Ph.D. degree. For over 30 years, she worked at the Department of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. Additionally she was a councilor of the City of Krakow. After the fall of Communism, at the beginning of the 90s, Zofia once again became involved in Jewish life. Zofia became a member of the Children of the Holocaust Association, the Israel-Poland Friendship Association, and the Jewish Social-Cultural Association in Poland. After opening JCC Krakow in 2008, she became its most active member. At the JCC, she is the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “Jesteśmy”, author of the „What’s the Parsha, Pani Zosia?” series on YouTube, and choir member. She received the Fr. Stanisław Musiał award for her involvement in the Christian-Jewish dialogue.
Zofia still lives in Krakow, with her son and granddaughters. She has one brother, with whom she meets often at JCC Krakow.
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